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How should we install Sewage Treatment Plant in a sloping ground?

Generally, STP is located in lowest location of a building like basement (can be outdoor / indoor). With width minimum of 1.5Meter. However, with more than 20 years of experience, Bioclearance can safely install STP in any ground level with any shape. Here are the examples.

You might wonder how? The answer is:
– Site Evaluation: Assess the slope’s gradient, soil type & density, and drainage patterns to determine the most suitable location for the plant.
– Foundation: Ensure stable foundations to support the weight of the treatment plant components. Depending on the slope’s steepness, you may need to reinforce or stabilize the foundation.
– Gravity Flow: Utilize gravity flow wherever possible to move wastewater through the treatment process. Position tanks and channels along the slope to take advantage of natural gravity.
– Environmental Impact: Consider the environmental impact of the installation on the surrounding ecosystem, including runoff and potential contamination of nearby water sources.

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